(Delinquent kid) Abandoned Child Elegy Ernane N. A. Gusmão Salvador, Bahia "Senhor Deus dos desgraçados Dizei-me vos, Senhor Deus, se eu deliro .. ou se é verdade, tanto horror perante os céus?! ..." (0 Navio Negreiro - Castro Alves) Criminality, nowadays, has been assuming scandalous proportions. People´s security became a mere article of consumption for newspapers. On the basis of social process several distortions of ordinary man´s personality exist, mostly caused by miserable life conditions the poorest classes of society are submitted. One thing is certain: a man does not become bad just because he desires. Social misconduct is deeply rooted to penury, which starts inside womb of an undernourished mother; from the bowels of women without a piece of bread, becoming pregnant but not loved, generating children without care, home and family whose predictable destiny is the criminal underworld. The abandoned child is the scorn of our society; so shameful as human slavery. While problem progressively grows and escapes from control, governmental effectiveness is irresponsibly measured through sumptuous constructions, driven by human vanity. Outsiders seem to be an unworthy and socially loathsome beings. However, an absolute truth must be proclaimed – nobody can expect dignity from misery Misery no longer moves this town ... Crazy, alcoholic or both, no one knows. People passing by Terreiro de Jesus yesterday witnessed, horrified, the sad scene: a man lying on the pavement, asleep, while a little child, around two years old, tryed to keep balance stuck to man´s neck. Not far from there, the cars passing, and not even the uncontrolled child´s wailing could wake up the irresponsible man. Nearby, two policemen watching the scene just smiled maybe thinking "there comes another pivete", while a group of street bums gave up of "kidnapping" the child due to presence of our photographer. As Salvador more and more develops the less humane it gets. (Tribuna da Bahia, November 29, 1985) Doutor, tenha pena do pivete gente pequena se mete cada bronca de enrascar vivendo pela sarjeta atrás de reles gorjeta para a fome saciar. | Oh sir, please have mercy on such kid cause little people always tend to screw up , be on the skids to appease a hunger that never ends eternally in search of tidbits living in skid rows and streets. | Não sabe nem de onde veio teve ventre sem ter seio que do leite se nutrir e cresceu a duras penas assistindo cruas cenas num barraco por cair. | No one knows his origin and past he had the womb, but not the breast where children are fed with milk and love raised completely deprived watching cruel scenes under falling huts and ruins. | Muitos deles vão a pique. De dez, talvez só um fique em cada safra anual. 0 pivete é o superboy, a sobra viva que dói da seleção social | Many of them will not survive. In the annual crops and harvests among ten, only one will be alive. The boy is now the superboy, becoming the live painful rest of such rough social contest. | Não escolheu vir ao mundo, quanto mais ser vagabundo perambulando ao léu. Dormindo junto as escadas, por debaixo das sacadas tendo as cobertas no céu. | He did not choose to be in this life, sleeping under stairs or balconies he did not choose to be a riff-raff. Loosing and hanging around, he really doesn´t know why his blanket is always only the sky. | Many of them were born right there in a 2 per 2 meter - straw-and - plastic hut, with no kind of refinement like a midwife. Others came from "homes" of Salvador skid rows and now they are members of Malvinas slum´s infantile army, which comprises around 15 thousand children. Idle, potbellied, spotted skin, noses always dripping, lukewarm eyes, and dust covered, these children are absolutely deprived of food, school, leisure, security and dwelling. (Tribuna da Bahia, April 21, 1987, by Jane Katia) Muitos são novos pequenos, tão frágeis e tão amenos, que nos despertam emoção, quando magrinhos, espertos, se achegam, lábios abertos e nos estendem a mão. | Many are so fragile, so sweet, so little and so young, arousing our feelings to deep, when they slyly come closer, tiny, smartie and naughty with hands open and wet lips. | Outros, são menos franzinos, taludos, mas sempre finos. Fortes, gordos, nunca e nem. E fácil ver as costelas e as dentaduras banguelas pois que dentes não mais tem | Others, are not so fragile, neither attractive nor lean. Brute, corpulent and strong. Their ribs are never seen only a gap-toothed mouth scaring us to the death. | 0 cabelo em desalinho, antítese do arminho não conhece pente, não. A pele sebosa fica coberta de tiririca sem nunca ver um sabão. | Disheveled and untidy hair, antithesis of an ermine with fur blowing in the air. Doesn´t know of comb or something soap he has never seen always with oily and filthy skin. | Só toma banho de chuva, não come rnaçã nem uva água bebe sem filtrar. Usa o terreno baldio até mesmo o meio fio pra defecar e mijar. | Shower ... only in the rain, apples or grapes… not even a grain never drink filtered waters. Using dirty vacant lots, sordid curbs and gutters to defecate and urinate. | Minor burnt to death " .... material authors of murder committed last Friday dawn were identified. A minor sleeping under Cairu Square ´s stairs, nearby Lacerda Elevator, had his body drenched with coal oil and burned. It seems to be an act of revenge performed by rival gang of street boys. (From newspapers of Salvador, Bahia) Pivete come na rua sob o sol ou sob a lua qualquer bocado ou farnel, uma sobra de cozinha da lanchonete vizinha, esparramada em papel. | When a pivete eats table is on the streets under the sun, under the moon, biting pieces of something strewed over newpaper sheets, leftovers from a cafeteria´s spoon. | Escola, é o mundo em que vive. Professor, que eu nunca tive, é o pivete maior que traça a regra da turma onde acorde e onde durma cada pivete menor. | The school, is the world he lives. The teacher is the older rough boy, who rules the world and gives a place where to wake up a place where to sleep to every weaker and younger kid. | Nessa encarnada miséria cada um tira sua féria o seu modo de viver. Vai ao fundo, sobe ao pódio, caldeia amizade e ódio curte lutar e sofrer. | From such dark misery everyone takes their own receipts alternates hell and heaven. Melting hatred and friendships, enjoying struggle and suffer creating his own way of living. | Leva a vida a seu jeito tem amigo que é do peito tem inimigo mortal. Pivete que é descuidado acorda imortalizado num fogaréu de jornal. | And thus, he runs the life striking up with too close friends rendering mortal enemies. The one who sleeps carelessly wakes up immortalized by the flames of revenges. | Hundreds of abandoned minors on the streets try to get a job. As they are illiterate their best option is to wash car windscreens for a "dime". They also sell popsicles and peanuts. Others stand nearby supermarkets offering their services as bag carriers or car washers in the park. They can be the "guardians" of your car, just thumb "OK". This type of job or sub job is increasing. Unfortunately the number of children turning to criminal world is also increasing. Dawning. The city´s just woken up. Homeless children, sleeping under marquees, are woken by the noise of cars and buses. Stores open the doors and shop owners chase kids away, and they are forced to try another place to stay. Uncertainty of streets is the place they´ll always find. There´s no other option after all… (A Tarde, January 11, 1989 by André Curvello) É assim a dura lida em que se cultiva a vida nesse ambiente cruel. Cresce o crioulo enfezado enquanto o moço educado dança o Bolero Ravel. | In this sordid and cruel space grows up the peevish negro while in another place. Unaware of this existing hell grows up the well educated guy dancing the Bolero of Ravel. | Pára o carro, limusine, bonito como vitrine quando vermelho é o sinal. Acode o pivete ligeiro: – Doutor, eu cheguei primeiro, deixa eu limpar o vitral. | Red signal, a car stops, it´s a beautiful limousine quickly comes the boy. Excited in adrenaline – Hey sir, I´m here first, let me wash your limo glass. | Às vezes, você recusa acha que essa gente abusa nem sequer olha o coitado quando molha o parabrisa e com bucha velha o alisa pra receber um trocado. | Sometimes you want to refuse Cause you feel like being abused you´d rather not look at the face who´s soaping your screen with no grace holding an old and dirty piece of cloth just to receive a single change. | Desassistência, pobreza, indiferença, avareza, ingredientes do mal. E aquele irmão da gente vai ficando adolescente nesse abandono total. | Disregard, greed and avarice, Despise, poverty and indifference, And other words so unspeakable All these ingredients of evil providing to that our " brother" the most abandoned adolescence. | "And here also lives the Captains of Sands´ Leader: Pedro Bala. Early soon he got this nickname, since he was five. Now he is fifteen years old. He has been messing around in Bahia streets for ten years. Never heard about his mother. The father was shot dead. …………………………………………………………. All recognized Pedro Bala´s leadership of the Captains of Sands by right. Since then, the city started to hear about Captains of Sands, the abandoned children living by thefts". (Captains of the Sands, by Jorge Amado, 1912) Chega o momento, decerto, em que o solto riso aberto perde a inocência servil. A revolta cala fundo e o pivete enxerga o mundo como um nojento covil. | Here comes the time ,for sure, he loses servile innocence forgets open laugh and heart. Replaced by hate and revulsion and starts to view this world as a disgusting den of iniquity. | Clama a Deus pela justiça mas do céu nada Ihe atiça em sufrágio, o Criador. E o pivete, sem socorro, reverbera: – Eu mato e morro, só me resta o desamor!... | Claiming Lord for justice but Heaven is not responsive all his prayers were in vain. Lost, lonely and helpless reverberates and cries: – I´ll kill, I´ll dye cause all I have is disdain! … | A revolta clara fica e a falta de eco implica nas atitudes que eu sei. Aquilo que se Ihe nega vai ser cobrado em refrega do pivete contra a Lei. | A clear revulsion prevails as a lousy response to the silent indifference. What was refused to me invoiced with interests will be in my vendetta against society. | 0 mundo cão se transforma no viver fora da norma do contexto social, nessa ironia nefasta que o pivete mais afasta e o condena a marginal. | The hard life is now ruled by my own laws and regulations completely off and outside, from current social context that´s the malign irony of misfits and renegades. | He appeared to be a forteen year boy and his coldness has surprised even the most experienced police officers. The boy commanded seven thieves to rob a bank yesterday afternoon, by intimidating present customers and disarming two guards. While leaving the bank he said ironically: "Thanks and sorry for inconveniences" (A Tarde, November 11, 1986) Começa a vida do crime da qual jamais se redime por não encontrar solução. No subemprego é "garfado" no desemprego é "safado", solto na rua é "ladrão". | So his criminal life starts with no more solution with no more redemption. Working he was the "scum" unemployed he was a "no-good bum" free on the streets he is a " thief". | Aprende a dar trombadinha enganar almofadinha farejar policial. Cada vez que vai em cana volta sempre com mais gana de vingança pessoal. | Now, he knows much of cheating how to mislead dandies and " chicks" how to sniff cops and police. Every time he is put into jail harder becomes the rage and the wish of personal revenge. | Com o futuro não mais sonha sem ajuda da maconha o pivete não tem vez. Já rapaz ou homem feito, agora não tem mais jeito nem sim, nem não, nem talvez. | No more future or dreams the present is now assured by support of hemp or cannabis. No longer a kid, just a grown man There´s nothing else to say no hope, no place, no way. | Matar, roubar, são caminhos ... no seu roteiro de espinhos, as glorias são seu algoz. Passa a viver na maloca sair à noite da toca como um felino feroz. | Killing and stealing is the path in this journey full of thorns, without glories, without pays. Now he lives in a burrow hidden by the night shadows like a trapped wild beast. | Zé Piaba shot dead in the back "A robber nicknamed " Ze Piaba" was shot dead by a 38 caliber bullet. The deadman was identified as J.L.B, 23 years old, ….Probable guess is " file elimination" . Zé Piaba was involved with too dangerous criminals. (A Tarde, September 24, 1985) E então... só resta a lembrança do tempo bom, da bonança que já de há muito passou. Das gorjetas nos mercados, dos vidros sujos lavados do sorriso que acabou. | So … only rest the memories from good times of calm seas a long, long time ago… Great tips at supermarkets, nice cars he had washed laugher is forever vanished. | 0 "berro" é o bom companheiro dorme sob o travesseiro... ... não se confia em ninguém. 0 fim da vida está perto na rota do tiro certo disparado por alguém. | Now gun is the only companion who sleeps under the pillow … … doesn´t trust in anyone else.. Death he knows is getting closer today he is the shooting target someone surely will pull the trigger. | Depois do tiro... o transporte ... o passeio após a morte para o Instituto Legal. 0 corpo, ninguém reclama, na geladeira se chama defunto ... número tal. | After the shots ... the transportation ... towards the final destination his dead body no one claims. Even vanished without a trace corpse is now his name And fridge the temporary space. | A cova rasa é o destino daquele antigo menino sem pai, sem mãe e sem lar que da luta sem quartel nos lega o amargo do fel para ao omisso ofertar. | A hollow grave is the final place for this ancient little boy whithout father, mother or face who has accomplished the mission to leave us the bitter legacy of our shameful omission. | "My parents are alive, but I´m only fond of my mother. My father is in jail. I have 11 brothers and I never go home because of my eldest brother; he doesn´t like me and beats me a lot. When I´m too hungry the bakery´s man gives me some bread. I can write, do you wanna see?" (W.R.N., 14 years old) (A Tarde, January 11, by André Curvello) Doutor, tenha pena do pivete gente pequena se mete cada bronca de enrascar vivendo pela sarjeta atrás de reles gorjeta para a fome saciar. | Oh sir, please have mercy on such kid cause little people always tend to screw up, be on the skids to appease a hunger that never ends eternally in search of tidbits living in skid rows and streets. | Tradução: Lidia Maia |
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